Dr. Sugeng Pribadi, S.T., M.DM
Jabatan: Tenaga Pengajar (BS) & Kasubid Manajemen Operasi Gempa Bumi BMKG
NIP. 19760615 199803 1 001
Kepakaran: Geofisika spesialisasi gempabumi pembangkit tsunami
Bidang Riset: Karakterisasi tsunamigenic dan tsunami earthquake, pemodelan tsunami, inversi w-phase, database tsunami
Kantor: BMKG Pusat
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Scopus Author ID: 26023517800
S1 Teknik Geologi, Universitas Padjajaran (2001)
S2 Master of Disaster Mitigation, Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Jepang (2007)
S3 Sains Kebumian, FITB, Institut Teknologi Bandung (2014)
Publikasi (Terindeks Scopus):
Pribadi, S., Fujii, Y., Hasegawa, Y., & Igarashi, Y. (2008). Tsunami Simulations for a Prototype of Tsunami Database in Southwestern Sumatra. Bulletin of the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 42, 127-132.
Pribadi, S., Puspito, N. T., Afnimar, & Ibrahim, G. (2012, June). Ratio of radiated seismic energy and moment to determine source mechanism of the 2010 Mentawai tsunami earthquake. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1454, No. 1, pp. 158-161). AIP.
Pribadi, S., Afnimar, A., Puspito, N. T., & Ibrahim, G. (2013). Characteristics of Earthquake-Generated Tsunamis in Indonesia Based on Source Parameter Analysis. Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences, 45(2), 189-207.
Pribadi, S., Puspito, N. T., Yudistira, T., Afnimar, Ibrahim, G., Laksono, B. I., & Adnan, Z. (2014, September). Identification of earthquakes that generate tsunamis in Java and Nusa Tenggara using rupture duration analysis. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1617, No. 1, pp. 116-119). AIP.
Pribadi, S., Afnimar, Puspito, N. T., & Ibrahim, G. (2014, March). Characterization of tsunamigenic earthquake in Java region based on seismic wave calculation. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1589, No. 1, pp. 129-132). AIP.
Pribadi, S., Puspito, N. T., Rahman, M. S. S., & Tristanawati. (2016, May). Earthquake source characterization for tsunami zoning (Case study of the Bengkulu 12 September 2007 tsunami and the 2 June 1994 Banyuwangi tsunami). In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1730, No. 1, p. 020015). AIP Publishing.
Kesumastuti, L., Marsono, A., Yatimantoro, T., & Pribadi, S. (2017, July). Determination of the earthquake source parameters using W-Phase inversion method and its uses for tsunami modelling. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1857, No. 1, p. 090006). AIP Publishing.